Magic Lamber:
Power of sewer
From the bio-organic slime product from the core of Planet Volcano, the
Stroggs extract energy for building and operating their final military
technology: Magic Lamber, a colossal 10,000-ton robot with a nuclear gun
whose potency is equivalent to a billion kilotons. The robot is indistructible
in combat, and there is only one possibilty of stopping the Stroggs' project
before Magic Lamber becomes operational: the energy conversion system is
unstable, and lacks refrigeration circuitry. If you can produce an energy
overload, the ground under the mech could reach fusion temperatures and
sink the robot into the slime and core of the planet. Here is your mission:
try to crash the system by activating all available gigantic pumps at once.
Very recent intelligence suggests that the Strogg are also experimenting
with transporter technology in the area. Beware that they might use their
experimental technology to teleport enemies into areas you have already
cleared, in attempt to hold you or to attack from multiple fronts. Good
"there is good action involved, and
of nice
architecture to admire."
-Tron, 3D Gamers Edge