Pax Imperia
Years have passed. The remaining Strogg army hordes have retired from fighting,
but have not given up their bloodthirsty lust for revenge. They have gathered
in their heavily fortified headquarters, lying in wait like wound animals
for you to return to finish them off. They know you're coming. You always
do. But this time, they are ready for you. They are ready to die to the last
soldier to see that this time, you die too. You have more powerful weapons for this battle than you ever have had in
the past. You are primed! You are trained! You are rested! You are ready
to battle the last of the Strogg to finally restore definitive universal
peace (Pax Imperia) to the world. Story by Metsfan
8 maps Over 2500 enemies New monsters and models Brand
new spectacular Q2 engine
Reviewed at:
Download KMQuake2 Engine 0.20 update 7 (12.7 MB):
Download Pax Imperia
(36.3MB): (enable pop-up messages if the window refuses to open):
Download Pax Imperia Patch V1.02 (1.26MB):
(Needed to run Pax Imperia on newest 0.20 version of KMQuake2.)
Download Pax dll support (4.19 MB): (Needed to run official mission packs on Knightmare's engine, or to make maps using Pax codebase. Unzip to desired game dir, e.g. Quake2/gamedir. DO NOT unzip to baseq2, and backup any gamex86.dll in target gamedir.)
Download Knightmare's Engine source code (2.48 MB) - for developers, not essential for playing:
Download Knightmare's game.dll source for Pax Imperia (945 KB) - for developers, not essential for playing:
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